


wingspan : 34/38 mm

Leptophobia eleone luca is a common sight between 2000 and 3000 meters and more. abundant at times in the Western part of the Baños/Puyo corridor, and on the road Atillio/Macas, above the tunnel.

but, we collected one specimen near Rio Negro at only 1400 meters.

Leptophobia eleone luca (macho y hembra) a Alao, 3100 m
Leptophobia eleone luca (macho) en la ruta Atillo/Macas - 2800 m
Leptophobia eleone luca (hembra) en Runtun, 2200 m
Leptophobia eleone luca (macho) en la ruta Atillo/Macas - 2800 m
Leptophobia eleone luca (macho) cerca de Guarumales
Leptophobia eleone luca (macho) cerca de Guarumales
Leptophobia eleone luca (macho) a el Retiro
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