

wingspan : 41/44 mm

we saw Telemiades gallius for the first time near Pablo Sexto, just time to shoot once, and it zoomed away. Bernard Hermier told us it was Telemiades gallius ; too bad we did not collect it !

two years later we saw several males, but this time at San Isidro, then, in 2013, we saw it near Mendez.

but the authors of the recent (2020) revision of the Genus Telemiades had a big surprise in store for us : Telemiades gallius does not fly any longer in South America, but exclusively in Central America ?

the only (not really) similar looking Telemiades in South America being T. contra.

but one cannot mistake T. contra for T. gallius, they're too different, and all the butterflies figured on the individual variation page are almost identical, and look exactly like T. gallius.

Telemiades gallius a Pablo Sexto
Telemiades gallius a San Isidro
Telemiades gallius a San Isidro
Telemiades gallius a San Isidro
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