


wingspan : 46/60 mm

Altinote negra scotosis has to be the most variable taxon in all Sangay NP, particularly females, if it does not cover several species ?

male forms are illustrated on this fact sheet individual variation page, orange female forms on fact sheet Altinote negra scotosis 2, and brown female forms appear on fact sheet Altinote negra scotosis 3.




Altinote negra scotosis a San Isidro
Altinote negra scotosis al río Tutamangosa
Altinote negra scotosis a 9 de Octubre
Altinote negra scotosis a el Retiro
Altinote negra scotosis a el Retiro
Altinote negra scotosis a San Isidro
Altinote negra scotosis a el Retiro
Altinote negra scotosis a el Retiro
Altinote negra scotosis al río Miriumi
Altinote negra scotosis a el Retiro
Altinote negra scotosis a San Isidro
Altinote negra scotosis cerca de Río Negro
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