

wingspan : 42/45 mm

Attal & Crosson du Cormier (1996) establish four new subspecies of Perisama tryphena, two of which fly in Ecuador, pastaza and pallida. all these subspecies are very similar, and the authors themselves write that ssp. pallida from Southern Ecuador looks almost exactly like ssp. cauca which flies in the Cauca river valley in Colombia.

we've seen Perisama tryphena from la Bonita all the way down to Podocarpus, 1 - it is nearly impossible to find two absolutely identical specimens, there always are individual variations, 2 - one cannot tell if a given specimen comes from Northern or Southern Ecuador, although it is true that, on the average, the UPHW marginal blue line is slightly narrower in the South.

in Sangay NP Perisama tryphena flies near Rio Negro in the Baños/Puyo Corridor, at Quebrada Cugusha and along the Paute river.

Perisama tryphena a el Retiro

on P. tryphena HWUN, the two black lines can be clearly visible, or nearly absent.