

wingspan : 45/50 mm

Epiphile boliviana (formerly dinora) flies from Colombia to Bolivia (d’Abrera 1987).

it is a fast flying butterfly; says d’Abrera “it is very scarce in collections”, which is surprising, if we're indeed considering the same butterfly, as it is quite common in Sangay NP, particularly in the rio Paute valley. we also saw it at el Corral and at Quebrada Cugusha.

but our specimens look more like E. b. grosi than like E. b. boliviana as illustrated on butterfliesofamerica.

near Guarumales, in the very same place fly three different species of Epiphile, but three species that look exactly the same: boliviana, chrysites and dilecta.

viejo Epiphile boliviana descansando en un dedo (fuera del Parque)