

wingspan : 85 mm 

Archaeoprepona chr. chromus flies from Colombia down to Peru (d’Abrera 1987),

it is very fast flying, reasonably shy, but strongly attracted to bait. it seems to fly between 1500 and 2000 meters, near 9 de Octubre, and along rio Paute where it is quite common ; and we also saw it at 1100 m at San Isidro..

Noreppa chromus chromus en el valle del río Paute
Noreppa chromus chromus en el valle del río Paute
Noreppa chromus chromus a el Retiro
Noreppa chromus chromus en el valle del río Paute
Noreppa chromus chromus a San Isidro
Noreppa chromus chromus a 30 km al Oeste de Méndez
Noreppa chromus chromus a San Isidro
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