


wingspan : 56/65 mm

in spite of the present classification we believe that Archonias negrina and Archonias tereas are two distinct species

as for tereas ssp there are serious reservations, we do have :
- in the North ssp nigripennis with entirely black FW,
- and in the South of Sangay NP ssp rosada with one or two white markings on the FW.

the problem is that both fly from the North of the NP down to Sucúa, and we have a progression from a majority of purely black FW in the North, to a majority of white markings in the South ; and it goes for the pink form as well as for the white one.


Archonias tereas f. blanca cerca de Macas

HW white markings are variable,
and some specimens also have white markings on the FW UP and UN.