


wingspan : 35 mm

Gnathotriche exclamationis is a small and inconspicuous butterfly frequently encountered in Colombia and Ecuador on dirt tracks.

females, very scarce, are markedly different from males, having many forms, some of which look like Actinotes.

Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro, 1900 m
Gnathotriche exclamationis cerca de 9 de Octubre
Gnathotriche exclamationis cerca de 9 de Octubre
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
Gnathotriche exclamationis a el Retiro
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