

wingspan : 40/42 mm

Attal & Crosson du Cormier (1996) may say that Perisama p. paralicia is a Peruvian species which, in Ecuador, does not fly farther North than the valley of rio Zamora, but we found it in the center, and even on the Northern limit of Sangay NP, in the Baños-Puyo Corridor.

it is not a rare butterfly around 9 de Octubre, if the weather is good, you will always see one, maybe two, but no more.

today (2023) we know that Perisama p. paralicia flies even farther North at volcán Sumaco.

Perisama paralicia paralicia a el Retiro

we found Perisama paralicia paralicia at more than 250 km North of its supposed limit.

at 1900 m, West of Macas, we found a specimen (right) with a very thin HW line, just like ssp marginepunctata from Southern Peru.