


wingspan : male 67/77, female 79/84 mm

we found Methona confusa psamathe from Rio Negro to Pablo Sexto, and also near Sucúa. it is a rather variable species, black borders being variable in width, it is almost impossible to separate it from Methona curvifascia.

but you can differentiate these two species by observing the HW costa ventrally: M. confusa psamathe either has a silvery marking, or sometimes nothing, while M. curvifascia always shows two silvery lines (see bottom pictures).

Methona confusa psamathe
Methona confusa psamathe
Methona curvifasciata
Methona confusa psamathe cerca de Pablo Sexto
Methona confusa psamathe cerca de Pablo Sexto
Methona confusa psamathe al Este de Puyo
Methona confusa psamathe al río Tutamangosa
Methona confusa psamathe al río Tutamangosa
Methona confusa psamathe al río Tutamangosa
Methona confusa psamathe cerca de Puyo
Methona confusa psamathe cerca de Puyo
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