

wingspan : 52 mm

this Napeogenes collected at the extreme south of the Park, could be a ssp or a form not described as of today.

Pierre Boyer thinks it is N. lycora attali, a recently described subspecies that normally flies in Zamora Chinchipe Province;

Guarumales could be the Northernmost record for this subspecies.

but, in the North of Sangay NP, near Palora, we found a female which looks hakfway between N. lycora lycora and N. lycora attali (see individual variations ).

the female on the left comes from rio Paute at an elevation of 1800 m, the second one comes from Palora, 150 km farther North, and at only 1100 m ;

this latter could be somewhere between N. l. attali and N. l. lycora ?