

wingspan : 40 mm

in Sangay NP Perisama ouma is not a common sight, but it is not very difficult to find, particularly in january and february.

we saw it near 9 de Octubre, at Sardinayacu and in the Baños-Puyo Corridor, between 1200 and 1900 meters

notwithstanding Attal & Crosson du Cormier's statement that this species does not fly in Ecuador, except around Loja.

Perisama ouma en Zamora Chinchipe
Perisama ouma al río Choloay, Rio Negro, 1200 m
Perisama ouma a la Quebrada Cugusha, 1700 m
Perisama ouma a la Quebrada Cugusha, 1700 m
Perisama ouma a el Retiro
Perisama ouma a el Retiro
Perisama ouma a el Retiro
Perisama ouma a el Retiro

presence in Sangay NP of Perisama ouma outside its recorded distribution

(see "new facts" page of Perisama ambatensis)

in their 1996 book, Attal & Crosson du Cormier claim that, in Ecuador, Perisama ouma fly exclusively in the rio Zamora valley.

they also say that this same species fly in the rio Magdalena valley in Colombia.

the authors outline that the butterflies from rio Magdalena in Colombia, and those from Zamora-Loja, are simply indistinguishable, so, in spite of the distance (under 1000 km), there can be no talk of subspecies; it is one single species flying in two widely separated areas.

and the authors express surprise that: "between these two populations, there is a large area which favours Perisama, which has been well prospected and in which P. ouma has never been seen."

we do not know what "well prospected" means, but Perisama ouma is not scarce in Sangay NP, and at times it is not scarce at all!

Sangay NP specimens look exactly like those from Loja and from Colombia.

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