


wingspan : 40/45 mm

Ithomia terra flies from Central America down to Bolivia (d’Abrera 1984), usually between 1000 and 2000 meters.

officially there are four (or more ?) subspecies, but all look pretty much the same ; in the Park, in theory we would have I. t. terra in the upper Pastaza valley, and I. t. jasinski everywhere farther South ; this latter ssp being reasonably easy to identify.

we conducted a blind test on about ten specimens from the NP, error rate over 50% ! you will find "terra" on the Macas/Atillo road (you can even find it in Peru !) and you'll find "jasinski" near Baños.

no doubt there are butterflies that meet "jasinski" description, but they're scattered among the "terra" type ones, at least in Sangay NP ; so we would tend to consider that the description of a ssp jasinski was not warranted.

Ithomia terra al río Topo
tipo "terra", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "terra", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "terra", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "terra", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "terra", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "dudoso", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "jasinski", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "jasinski", alto valle del Pastaza
tipo "terra", 9 de Octubre
tipo "dudoso", 9 de Octubre
tipo "jasinski", Palora
tipo "dudoso", alto valle del Pastaza